Tools that I've created while working on games


 I work with Artists and Designers by making the tools those can improve the quality of life and productivity.


PranaAI® System : PranaAI® System is a Sensory based Autonomous Robot AI framework, which I was developed in-house for my games.

Prana AI System

A screen shot from Hero player character powered by PranaAI ® system - Unity 4.

Light mapping tool: Light mapping is a process which requires both artistic and technical knowledge on Color theory, Lighting and Rendering and it is more time consuming task. This tool can analyze scene for missing light map coordinates on mesh elements and then report back in a list. This is a very handy tool and we’re using this tool daily to produce eye-catching light backing in my games. This tool is artist friendly and gives you instantaneous results.

Light Maping and baking Tool

Lightmaping Tool: Start Screen

Light mapping tool

Lightmaping Tool: List of missing lightmap coordinate objects

Change Shader Tool: Changing of a Shader for each selected object can be tedious and more time consuming task. So with this tool you can change materials for your meshes in a single click. We’re using this tool daily to assign customized light baking materials and then change back to original state after light backing complete. This tool is artist friendly and available in two modes.

Change Material Tool

Change Shader Tool: Changing the shader of a pre-light backed object in scene.

Express Toolbar: Selecting of a menu item for every time for repeated tasks is very time consuming, so I’ve written this express tool bar. By using this toolbar I can rapidly prototype my game levels and ideas.

Express Tool bar

Express Toolbar: an easy way to create objects

VFA Version Backup : While working on large projects the incremental backup of the data is very important. Just copy and paste of asset files will work for smaller games. But if we want to take the project back-up with same directory structure with date search for latest modifications then this Utility helps a lot.I’m using this Utility to take incremental back-ups for my changes based on date and asset type. This utility has written for my Unity project management and it supports majority of Unity’s asset file extensions, and of course you could search for your custom file extension also.

VFA Version BKP01

Version Back-up Utility: a wide range search options for Unity project.

VFA Version BKP02

Version Back-up Utility: latest modifications for that day.